Wir stehen zusammen!

Xaver Kids-Club

Xaver Kids Club LogoHey there, Xaver-kids!

We have had two years of Xaver Kids-Club now - what a fun it has been so far, buddies! In our first year, the Panthers made it to the title, in the second year the have been runner-up. I am pretty sure you have crossed your thumbs for our team. Have you met my closest chap Benedikt Kohl? He and our players have been along with us at a lot of events of and on ice. Nice guys, our players.I am looking forward like crazy to welcome you at Xaver Kids-Club. Together we are a wild and unbeatable team.


See you soon, buddies



Fairplay Hockey Shop




Sebastian Ernhofer is member number 100 in Xaver Kids Club. Christian Müller and mascot Xaver celebrate with him.

Thu, 10.12.2015 // Kidsclub

Kids-Club with 100 buddies

"Everyone is passionate ...

Statments & Flyer

Flyer & Suscription



Hi kids, let us go out with the Panthers for an adventure. It is awesome that you support your Panthers whereever and whenever you can. Come on, buddies, I would go bananas if you join the Xaver Kids-Club. See you soon"


Benedikt Kohl

Benedikt Kohl                                            

Dear kids, I am really pleased to be the buddy of Xaver Kids-Club. Doing a lot of funny things together, we can get to know each other. See you soon!

  Christian Müller

Christian Müller
Servus kids,it is an honour for me to represent Xaver Kids-Club. It is important that you have fun with the Panthers in Saturn Arena and outside, as we do a lot of events outside, too. It would be great to see you soon in Xaver Kids-Club.


Hi Kids, my name is Theresa and it is a pleasure to see you at Xaver Kids-Club. We are all excited to have a lot of young fans in the stadium cheering for the Panthers. I hope the team keeps being succesful - and that you join Xaver Kids-Club. Let's get to know the players!

  Sabine Rabl

Hallo Kids,my name is Sabine. A lot of you know me from the Kids-club's meeting point in the stadium. You might also know me from visiting the Zoo Wasserstern and the Wonnemar bath. I hope that we will have an unforgetable time together.